Hailing from the United Kingdom, A charming, witty, comical, one minded dynamic duo one woman show! Sparkly Spookay is a dual natured spirit. The Sparkly side is very positive, motivational, encouraging, inspiring, the voice of a real fighter against all things of injustice, a mix of genres expressing her love for the universe through meditative poetry, she has a romantic vibe about her too and portrays that side in her songs especially on her new Single 'Pen Pal' . Sparkly doesn't do anything the conventional way! She cannot be defined, her non conforming ways makes for a better take with her musical approach. She is about freedom of speech, self expression is very important and her mind is a sharp wit tools carving the lines of communication open, unafraid to stand up for what's right, she holds deeply the courage of a lone wolf, with the heart of a lion. She has come face to face with opposition in her past, the trials and tests that sought not to break her but to make her. She is a soldier and this only shows in her strong composure. The Spookay side of her is self explanatory: Mysterious, Cryptic, and thrilling. She combines her dark twisting poetry pieces into a musical Broadway theatrical phenomenon, especially with the success of her poetry anthology Blood Lines (Consisting of 8 series) becoming the production pieces for her album 'Moonlight Shadows'. Spookay is all aspects of her love for folklore mythology, her stories and poetry combine very well into musical productions. Her roots in writing grew at the age of 14, and blossomed into a full bulb of innovations there on. Her theatrical movements is what brings her characters from her books to life. Every ending is an entirely new direction for her haunting adventures. (Rap Metal/Country Rock
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