en attente


todayjanvier 8, 2021


Gib (pronounced Jib) is a solo artist producing music that covers multiple genres from mellow piano to alternative rock.
Currently writing mainly electronic music using keyboards and synths.
He has recorded and released numerous albums and E.P.s and is continuing to develop whilst experimenting and exploring each new direction he takes.
In 2020 he recorded and released 5 albums and 14 E.Ps.
His music is available on all platforms.
Lives in Sussex, England

Écrit par : KracRadio

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en attente


todayjanvier 8, 2021


Gib (pronounced Jib) is a solo artist producing music that covers multiple genres from mellow piano to alternative rock.
Currently writing mainly electronic music using keyboards and synths.
He has recorded and released numerous albums and E.P.s and is continuing to develop whilst experimenting and exploring each new direction he takes.
In 2020 he recorded and released 5 albums and 14 E.Ps.
His music is available on all platforms.
Lives in Sussex, England

Écrit par : KracRadio

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