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Birmingham Electric

todayjanvier 21, 2021


Birmingham Electric recalls synthpop, post-punk and new wave elements in a modern context. BE is a new project with old roots – founded by synthesist/vocalist Andrew Evans, BE’s collabs include Mal Holmes of OMD and Mark Reeder of MFS Berlin. BE’s debut album is due on Conzoom Records in 2021.

Écrit par : KracRadio

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en attente

Birmingham Electric

todayjanvier 21, 2021


Birmingham Electric recalls synthpop, post-punk and new wave elements in a modern context. BE is a new project with old roots – founded by synthesist/vocalist Andrew Evans, BE’s collabs include Mal Holmes of OMD and Mark Reeder of MFS Berlin. BE’s debut album is due on Conzoom Records in 2021.

Écrit par : KracRadio

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